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My Vet
Animal Hospital

Fun facts, information, and news directly from the My Vet Animal Hospital team!
Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

What is hip dysplasia? The hip is what we call a “ball-and-socket joint” (Figure 1). For the joint to work well, the “ball” (or the head of the femur/ thigh bone) and “socket” (or acetabulum of the pelvis) need to sit together securely. This joint sits within a tough...

Luxating Patella: Why Your Dog’s Knee Is Popping

Luxating Patella: Why Your Dog’s Knee Is Popping

Have you noticed your dog skipping/ bunny-hopping or holding up their leg, giving it a little shake, then continuing walking as if nothing has happened? If you’ve answered “yes”, there’s a good chance your dog may have luxating patellas.Let’s start with talking about...

Anal Glands In Dogs

Anal Glands In Dogs

What are anal glands? Anal glands are small paired sacs that sit on the left and right side (around 5 o’clock and 7 o’clock) of your dog/cat’s anus. The cells lining these glands produce an oily secretion with a distinct rotten fishy, metallic smell. Think of it as...

Home Prepared Meals for Pets

Home Prepared Meals for Pets

Home prepared meals are becoming increasingly popular among pet owners. Some prefer it outright - shunning commercial foods. Other pet owners consider home-cooked food a special treat; just another way to add a bit of variety to their pet’s diet and fill their tummies...

The Perfect Paw-fait (Parfait) for your furbaby! [Pet Recipe]

The Perfect Paw-fait (Parfait) for your furbaby! [Pet Recipe]

Parfait is a French dessert. Its literal translation is “perfect” Why? Because it is the PERFECT dessert!!! Today, we’re going to share our little paw friendly paw-fait with our furbabies. Ingredients: Sturdy plastic cup Lactose free, xylitol-free, human yogurt...

Skin Allergies: What Dog Owners Need To Know

Skin Allergies: What Dog Owners Need To Know

Anyone who’s ever had allergies knows how miserable they can be – the sneezing, runny eyes, stuffy nose! It’s almost enough to make you want to stay inside all spring and summer! Our furbabies can have allergies too, only instead, they often get itchy skin. It can...

Deadly and Toxic Foods for Dogs and Cats!

Deadly and Toxic Foods for Dogs and Cats!

We all love our furbabies and we are often tempted to share a portion of our favourite snacks with them. However, some human food can be toxic to our furbabies and can result in severe medical conditions, if not, death in our beloved furry friends. Here is a list of...

Lily Toxicity

Lily Toxicity

Did you know lilies are toxic to cats? Lilies are gorgeous flowers. They’re fantastic in a bouquet or in your garden and, in some cultures, they are even considered a herb. Which is all well and good if you’re human. But if you’re a cat, you don’t want to be anywhere...

Summer Breeze Popsicle (Pupsicle) Recipe

Summer Breeze Popsicle (Pupsicle) Recipe

Hi Furbabies!Summer breeze is here and it’s time to share Chu’s favourite popsicles recipe! Summer period is the time when we tend to worry about over-heating in our furbabies due to the hot weather that we experience here in Sydney. As we all know, dogs and cats are...

Summer Christmas Puppy Puddings

Summer Christmas Puppy Puddings

When you’re getting your towel and thongs ready, it’s time to start preparing for Christmas in true Aussie style. And seeing as how it’s going to be getting warmer, this puppy pudding is not your usual baked treat! I am always looking at ways to may christmas treats...