The Perfect Paw-fait (Parfait) for your furbaby! [Pet Recipe]
Parfait is a French dessert. Its literal translation is “perfect” Why? Because it is the PERFECT dessert!!! Today, we’re going to share our little paw friendly paw-fait with our furbabies.
- Sturdy plastic cup
- Lactose free, xylitol-free, human yogurt (double check the ingredients!)
- 100% Carob buttons (CARE. There are part carob, part chocolate products. Chocolate is a NO NO!)
- Honey
- Banana
- Berries
- Carrot
- Apple
- Regular dog kibbles
1: Chop up the ingredients (Sorry Mr. Banana. It is time.)
2: Crumble the dog kibbles.
3: Boil hot water in a pot, float a heat-resistant bowl inside and melt the carob buttons (or use a big bowl on top of a pot of boiling water).
4: Get ready to assemble! Drizzle melted carob in the cup, then layer yogurt, kibble crumble, fruits, and drizzle honey over the top! Use your imagination!
5: TA-DA!
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