My Vet
Animal Hospital
Fun facts, information, and news directly from the My Vet Animal Hospital team!
Top common questions about cats
1. Should I desex my pet and when? Owners often worry whether desexing their pet is good or bad for their health. We can safely say that desexing your pet is for sure the BEST thing you can do for your pet. You massively reduce the risk of cancerous diseases and...
Top 10 questions about dogs
1. Should I desex my pet and when? Owners often worry whether desexing their pet is good or bad for their health. We can safely say that desexing your pet is for sure the BEST thing you can do for your pet. You massively reduce the risk of cancerous diseases and...
Is my pet too fat
Unfortunately over 40% of the dogs and 30% of the cats in Australia are overweight; however, many owners fail to identify this situation. While there are different factors that might lead to obesity, overfeeding is considered the main cause for this problem. The lack...
Pet Export Checklist
If you are planning to travel with your pet to another country, you need to be aware that there are several steps and regulations that need to be taken into account. Here are some useful tips that will help you to be prepared for this experience: DO I NEED A TRAVEL...
Beransa Osteoarthritis (OA) Injection
Beransa (Bedinvetmab) has been a much anticipated O.A. management medication for dogs. Previously there has been very little progress in the options we have for pain management in our arthritic pets. This new medication works in a different pain-relief pathway to all...
Solensia Osteoarthritis (OA) Injection
Solensia (Frunevetmab) has been a much anticipated O.A. management medication for cats. Previously there has been very little progress in the options we have for pain management in our arthritic pets. This new medication works in a different pain-relief pathway to all...
NSAIDS use in cats
WHAT IS NSAIDS?Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are drugs frequently used in human and veterinary medicine that help to manage pain, fever and inflammation.All the NSAIDs of veterinary use can only be obtained with a script, as the veterinarian needs to...
貓瘟 Cat flu (chinese handout)
什麽是貓瘟?貓瘟是傳染性非常高的傳染病。貓瘟主要影响貓隻的上呼吸道,跟人類感冒相似。 病毒很容易在貓隻間傳播,受感染的貓隻,病情可輕可重。免疫系统較弱的貓隻,例如: 年老、年幼、免疫系統較弱的動物 (例如正在接受 化療或感染了免疫系統病毒如 FIV/FeLV 的帶菌者),病情會比較嚴重。 什麽引致貓瘟? 貓瘟如何傳播?貓瘟主要由兩種病毒所引致,FHV —--, FCV —--, 這些病毒只會感染貓隻,對人類是沒有影响的。...
Feline Oral Resorptive Lesions in Cats
Tooth resorption, formerly known as feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion (FORL), is a condition where the dentin (a hard tissue that lies beneath the enamel) of the tooth erodes and becomes irreparably destroyed over time. As time passes, all areas of an affected...
Common eye conditions in cats
Just like humans, cats are susceptible to various eye problems that can affect their vision and overall well-being. In this document, we will explore some of the most common eye problems in cats, their symptoms and potential causes to help you maintain their ocular...