Juicy Guilt-Free Treats for Your Favourite Furbaby

Over the last week, I’ve decided to start on a juice cleanse, and after just 2 days of juicing, my bin was full of the pulp from the juicer and I thought there had to be a better use for all of that pulp. That’s when an article caught my eye that had the solution of dehydrating the pulp- this makes it perfect for a puppy treat!
So, I thought I’d prepare a few doggy treats so my pets could join me on my juice cleanse. But first, a very big WARNING- some fruits (or vegetables) are poisonous to dogs, so make sure you haven’t used any of these in your juices.
Let’s get on with the juicing! These treats were made from my favourite juice of frozen blueberries, carrot, apple, celery and mint.
-8 cups of collected pulp, with a mixture of non-toxic fruit and veg.
-1 cup of sunflower seeds.
-1 cup of ground flax.
-2 cups of water.
1.First, soak the flax in the water for about 30 minutes.
2.Then, mix all of the ingredients together into a paste and spread this paste onto non-stick paper on two oven trays. You want the mix to be around 1/2 – 3/4 cm thick.
3.Prepare the sheets to be broken into pieces by scoring 2 cm squares in the mixture.
4.To dry the mixture into dog treats, the best way is to use a dehydrator. However, it is possible to use an oven.
5.If you have a dehydrator:
1.Dry the treats for 1 hour at 60 degrees celcius.
2.Then, reduce the heat to about 45 degrees celcius and leave in the dehydrator until they are completely dry, which should take somewhere between 12 and 14 hours.
3.At around 6 hours, flip the entire mixture over.
4.If you don’t have a dehydrator:
6.Turn your oven onto the fan-forced setting at the lowest temperature.
1.Place the trays in the oven and leave the door slightly open to increase air flow.
2.The treats could be dry in around half the time, so keep an eye on them and remove once they are completely dry to the touch.
3.At around halfway, you will still need to flip the mixture over.
And Voila! A healthy and tasty treat!
xx The almost pawfect parent
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